Why is my AdGuard AdBlocker Chrome Extension no longer supported?

Learn why AdGuard AdBlocker is no longer supported in Chrome and discover alternative ad blockers that comply with the latest Manifest V3 standards.

Why is my AdGuard AdBlocker Chrome Extension no longer supported?
Why is my AdGuard AdBlocker Chrome Extension no longer supported?

Since the latest Chrome Update you might be seeing the following error message on the chrome extensions page for the AdGuard AdBlocker Chrome Extension:

This extension may soon no longer be supported because it doesn't follow best practices for Chrome extensions.
This extension may soon no longer be supported because it doesn't follow best practices for Chrome extensions.

On the extensions overview page at chrome://extensions/ you will also see the warning "These extensions may soon no longer be supported" listing all of your affected Chrome Extensions.

Will adblockers be disabled in the future? : r/edge
This page does not exist

Why is the AdGuard AdBlocker Chrome Extension no longer supported?

Chrome has recently updated the Chrome Web Store and its framework, introducing a new manifest version, V3.

Google has said that its new extension platform was built for "improving the security, privacy, performance, and trustworthiness of the extension ecosystem." - arstechnica.com

Developers have had several years to switch their extensions to this new version. However, the deadline is approaching, and extensions still using V2 manifests will soon be unsupported. As a result, users with outdated extensions are being advised to find replacements before support ends.

AdGuard AdBlocker is one of those extensions not keeping up with the new requirements. If its developers don't update it soon, Chrome will remove the AdGuard AdBlocker extension from the store.

Why Are Some Of My Chrome Extensions No Longer Supported?
Google Chrome warns about Chrome extensions that may no longer be supported. Learn how to check if your extensions are affected and how to find alternatives.

What can you do?

If you are currently using the AdGuard AdBlocker extension, it is advisable to look for alternatives that are up to date with the latest manifest version. There are several ad blockers available on the Chrome Web Store that have already transitioned to Manifest V3.

If you want to keep using AdGuard AdBlocker, you can install their MV3 Beta Chrome Extension, which uses the new Manifest V3. Remember, this version is still in beta testing. You can find it here.

There are also many other AdBlocker Chrome Extensions in the Chrome Web Store. A popular alternative is Stands AdBlocker, which offers strong ad-blocking features and is regularly updated to meet the latest standards.

There are still plenty of other great options. You can find a list of our favorite AdBlocker Chrome Extensions here.

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Discover the best ad blocker Chrome extensions for 2024. Enjoy faster, safer browsing with top-rated ad blockers like Stands AdBlocker, AdBlocker Ultimate, and more.

Final Thoughts

It’s crucial to keep your browser extensions up to date to ensure compatibility, security, and performance. Chrome’s introduction of Manifest V3 is aimed at enhancing security and privacy for users. While it might be inconvenient to switch from an extension you are used to, finding and adapting to alternatives will ensure a smoother and safer browsing experience.

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