Highlight the Web with the Colors of Your Beloved Stabilo Highlighters

Highlight web pages with Stabilo Boss colors using Web Highlights, a Chrome extension. Install it for free, customize colors, and start highlighting text online with ease. Rediscover the joy of Stabilo highlighters on the web!

Highlight the Web with Stabilo highlight colors
Highlight the Web with Stabilo highlight colors

We all remember the good old Stabilo highlighters we relied on during school or university. The bright colors and pleasant marker glide across the pages brought our study material to life and made important information stand out effortlessly.

Imagine highlighting web pages with the exact colors of your favorite Stabilo Boss highlighters.

Today, in a primarily digital world, we rarely use analog highlighters. But don’t we also miss it? Imagine highlighting web pages with the exact colors of your favorite Stabilo Boss highlighters, and capturing and organizing digital content in a way that feels familiar and visually appealing. With the PDF & Web Highlighter Chrome extension Web Highlights, you can now experience this nostalgic feeling while browsing the web.

Highlighting with the PDF & Web Highlighter Chrome extension
Highlighting with the PDF & Web Highlighter Chrome extension

If you are used to using digital/paperless notes and read a lot online, this might be for you. I will show you how to highlight any text on the internet in your Chrome browser with your favorite Stabilo colors.

1. Install the Web Highlights Chrome Extension

First of all, you need to install the Web Highlights — PDF & Web Highlighter extension. You can install it for free in the Chrome Web Store.

Web Highlights — PDF & Web Highlighter
Web Highlights — PDF & Web Highlighter

It’s really that simple. Click “Add to Chrome,” and you can directly start highlighting the web. Select some text and click the highlighter popup to create your first highlights.

Web Highlights Chrome Extension
Web Highlights Chrome Extension

To access the sidebar displaying your highlights, simply click on the extension popup located in the Chrome toolbar. In the sidebar, you’ll be able to view your highlights and enhance the organization of your research by adding tags and notes.

2. Customize your Colors

As we already learned how to create our first highlights, let’s customize the colors of our highlights to resemble the vibrant hues of a Stabilo highlighter.

You might have noticed that when you hover over the highlighter popup, there are three pre-set color options available:

You can either choose one of the three available colors, or you can create your own custom colors.

You can do that by creating a highlight and then clicking on the selected color, which will open a color picker:

Color Picker of Web Highlights
Color Picker of Web Highlights

Now, can choose whatever color you prefer. I have created an overview of all the official Stabilo highlight colors for you to simplify things.

You can effortlessly input the appropriate RGB or HEX value into the color picker. Alternatively, you can choose an even simpler method by clicking on the “eyedropper” icon, which enables you to select a color from an image, webpage, or any other part of your screen. Just click on the desired area and then the color tile in the overview above.

Choose a Stabilo color with the eyedropper.
Choose a Stabilo color with the eyedropper.

Web Highlights supports having one default color and shows the three most recent colors in the popup.

So, go ahead and choose your preferred four Stabilo colors, and relish in highlighting the web, reminiscent of your school days when you highlighted physical texts.

Final Thoughts

The Stabilo highlighters were once cherished tools that brought color and vibrancy to our study materials, making important information effortlessly stand out. In today’s digital age, where analog tools are increasingly rare, we may find ourselves longing for that familiar sensation. The PDF & Web Highlighter Chrome extension, Web Highlights, offers a delightful solution by allowing us to highlight web pages with the exact colors of our beloved Stabilo Boss highlighters.

Install the extension for free, and start highlighting on any webpage or PDF, create tags, and take notes. Share your research and export it to HTML, Markdown, and PDF.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article. I am always happy to answer questions and am open to criticism. Feel free to contact me at any time! Get in touch with me via LinkedIn, Twitter, or leave a comment.